Monday, September 19, 2011

Girl Crush

Christina Hendricks is my girl crush

Christina Hendricks is among the most amazing actors I've encountered so far. She has the loveliest and most luscious curves and she isn't afraid to flaunt them. She's smart, sensible, sexy, and talented.  Wish more actors were like her. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Satchel Love

Satchel and surgeon ;)
This is a special shout out to Manila Fashion Observer and Schu
Congratulations on the blog anniversary and thank you so much! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Useless Anxiety

“I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then whenever doubt, anxiety, or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal and soon they'll forget my number.” - Edith Armstrong

I'm having one of those days that I'm feeling bummed and spent.  Blame it on my monthly or what, but I guess the biggest thing that's sapping me of energy is all this anxiety.  I typically tend to get it around the time when I'm shifting in to a new service (like now I'm finishing surgery and moving to otorhinolaryngology) and I don't have an inkling of what's going to happen next or what to expect or what to do. Typical of me to try and seek some semblance of control over events that I totally have no control over. So I spend my seconds, minutes, and hours thinking up a storm about all the worst case scenarios that MIGHT happen, and end up tired and depressed.  It's a habit I have to break soon if I'm ever going to keep my sanity as a physician-in-training.  I'm still on the way to telling myself firmly to stop worrying and let things be.  I have to have a little more faith that the universe won't be throwing disasters my way, and meekly surrender to Divine Providence.

Negativity out, positivity in. Om. Amen.